Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Baru Klinthing" Legend

For some communities in Central Java, the presence of a legend "Baru Klinthing" with Lake Swamp Pening, of course, already familiar. Legend is said to embody a large snake with a bell that hangs around her neck. Reportedly, he appeared to give good luck when fishermen can not get fish.

Although not nobody knows for sure, since when the legend came out and why the area called Swamp dizziness, linking local communities remains an area of 2670 ha lake with the emergence of a figure that large snakes that are considered sacred. According to them, at certain moments the snake to move around the pond to give blessing to people in need. To the extent to honor the legend, a snake-shaped ornament from the large concrete even in pairs at the entrance of this lake.

Pening swamp, so the name is a tourist attraction. Pening marsh is a popular tourist locations in Central Java Province, precisely in the village of Bukit Cinta, Ambarawa District, located 45 km from Semarang. The extent of covering four districts; Ambarawa, Bawen, Tuntang, and Banyubiru. Lake itself is located on the slopes of Mt. Merbabu, Gn. Telomoyo and Gn. Ungaran with a height of 461 masl.

At that time, in an opportunity for us to start from Salatiga, takes only 10 minutes drive.Apparently, the distance Salatiga - Swamp Pening just 5 km. To get there you will go through the little streets and winding uphill. Some seem to decorate the house and garden right and left side of the road. Also, do not miss the cold directly ambushed, a sign we are at altitude.

Looks cloudy day, when we arrive at this tourist object, at 8.30. The desire to explore the lake with an area covering four of these districts also had nevertheless carried out. Because, not so long ago heavy rain falls. If you already like this, will be limited visibility due to fog and rental boat was deserted.

The plan, a brief visit to enjoy the charm of this lake is considered sacred by local people, while a close look at the inhabitants of the area by the local community called 'fish Wader'. It is said that fish eggs are nutritious as the glue to cure broken bones.

A Legend

According to the story that develops in the community, the source of lake water derived from water luberan cabutan former New lidi k-ping.

Once, there lived a boy who due to its miracle in the curse of a wicked witch. As a result, the boy had wounds all over his body with a very sharp odor. The wound would never dry. If you begin to dry, always appear new wounds, caused bruising.

Finally, no one wants to be friends with him. Let alone close together, they reluctantly spoken.Each of them must have passed away. Do not want to touch, for fear of contagion.

This kid started to wander from one place to another to find someone who can cure the illness.Until later in his dreams, he meets a kindly old lady. Later he was the one who could release the evil spell so that he can recover as before.

Finally, nothing in dinyana not think he even arrived in a village that most of the people are very arrogant. Not many poor people in that place. If any, would be expelled or made uncomfortable by a variety of ways.

Hypocrisy of the people of this village had stirred the conscience little boy, who later named the Baru Klinthing known. In a lively party, the boy managed to menyellinap entry. Surefire But what, he too must be willing at forcibly expelled because of getting caught.

As he was in drag, he ordered that they would willingly pay attention to those who can not, because they are human too. Just like them. In the treat so he was not so bothered. But the anger began to peak, when dozens of people began to pout while spit on him. "Hobgoblin basic, ugly child," as he curses them.

Did not receive treatment, he was immediately plunged a stick-which happened to be there.Then he was furious with the face of an oath, that no one who could lift this stick, except himself.

Can not believe the boy with talk, each man began trying to pull the stick. But, again, stick-it did not budge from its place. Until finally people started to fear the talk of the boy. "Do-not there will be nothing?" Thought they were.

Sure enough, within a few days, no one who could release the stick. Until finally, quietly it back again to that place and pull out. A resident who saw action kebetuan past, directly stunned. He also told the story to people other. Shortly thereafter, the water droplets came out of the hole.More and more until eventually drown the village and make it into a lake.

It is said that not many people who survived, apart from residents who saw the incident and an elderly widow who kindly gave him a lift. This widow is also looking after him, until miraculously, the disease gradually disappeared.

But the wicked witch, still not received, until at one point, the Baru Klinthing back in the curse. Yet strangely, this time the curse is not a sickness, but instead to change his body into a very large snake necklaces struck in the neck.

Another version mentions, these snakes are often out of the nest promptly at 0:00 pm. Every time he moves, the clatter of a necklace around her neck always reads; klentang klenting.Finally, this also makes it sound known as the Baru Klinthing.

It is said that fishermen who were trouble for not getting fish, surely will be lucky if the Baru Klinthing pass not far from the place. That has made his presence has become a legend thanks to the most in waiting.

Potential Area

Like other tourist sites in place, visitors must pay a ticket to get into the Slough area Pening.Here, since the counter was opened at 8:30 am until 21:00 pm. Counters in the open until late, because the number of visitors will increase by nightfall. Generally they are young couples who want to enjoy the atmosphere of the night accompanied by a special menu, a new fish in the fishing Wader. Moreover, any plural anglers fulfill this area at night, because the fish easier to catch when in the dark.

However, for those of you who want to enjoy the beautiful lake, a visit in the morning is the right choice. In addition to traveling with a rented boat, we could relax on the edge of the lake while enjoying the culinary variety in the shops that lined neatly in place. Meanwhile, for those of you who are less interested to go by boat, on the edge of the lake there are beautiful gardens. This location is perfect for a family playground. In addition, the dock is also an attractive option to go.The reason, of that place, we can relax while you see the visitors who will come back or get around. Satisfied to enjoy the beauty of the lake, not far from there, we can also visit some other tourist areas, such as Tlogo, Lopait, the Mount of Love, The Rise and pickles.

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